Monday, August 7, 2023

On the medical Yellow Brick Road


So, my sweet wife’s second cataract surgery done, she is bright eyed. Bushy tailed? None of your business!🤣

Now comes my week. Next three days bring yet more scans, tests, and then re-replacement of my aortic heart valve.

Brain surgery to evict a benign tumor in March has been declared success; now, having saved/received a brain on my medical Yellow Brick Road, I’m doubling down on a heart! Move aside, Scarecrow and Tin Man. 

Courage? That’s action overcoming fear, and a choice… so, no worries Lion.

And beyond waxing metaphorical and/or analogical, on a more serious note I am at peace through my faith and trust in God. I embrace the grace of knowing that His Love is with us, and me, whether in mortal time or incomprehensible eternity.