current "gun control" debate is maddening for its logical fallacies, both circular and "Straw Man" in nature.
fully understand the angst over the deaths of the innocents in the
Sandyhook school shootings and others in the past years.
all cases, though, these have been mentally ill perpetrators, and in
almost all cases, they were using stolen firearms . . . that is,
illegally obtained weapons.
some folks are using the shootings as an excuse to "control"
legal gun purchases. Some argue for repeal of the Second Amendment,
claiming we no longer need it.
Constitution. Maybe the First Amendment (free speech and expression) should be the next to go?
Speak out for the Second, it seems, and you certainly will be
slandered and shouted down.
insist that "assault weapons" should be banned, when what
they really mean is anything that looks scary -- i.e. "military"
-- should be banned. The whole term "assault weapons,"
which applied to civilian models of firearms like AR-15s and AK-47s,
etc., is misleading, even dishonest.
AR-15 is a semi-automatic rifle (one trigger pull, one shot). An
M-16, which it resembles, is capable of three-shot burst and fully
automatic firing, i.e. a "machine gun." The former is
legal, the latter is not for civilian but military use.
own a .22-cal rifle that holds 20-some shots in a tube inside the
stock, a very common weapon for the past 50 years. It is
semi-automatic, like most rifles -- except "bolt action"
models -- are these days.
would that .22 not be an "assault rifle?" Because it
doesn't look scary, i.e. it does not have a pistol grip.
much of that argument is specious, and simply semantics. Take a
pistol grip off the AR-15 and, I guess, it's not an assault rifle any
more? Well, it never was.
there's the capacity of rifle clips. Some want to limit it to 10
rounds instead of 20 or 30, etc. Really? In Vietnam, my generation's
soldiers simply taped one clip to the other, upside down, and it took
about a second to flip, lock and load.
a capacity based solution is really an ignorant solution.
the biggest point the gun control crowd seems to miss is that you can
restrict, control, ban, etc. firearms -- but criminals will still
have them. That's what a criminal does, after all, break the law. Regardless how many restrictions are passed, all they would do, ultimately, is leave the law-abiding less able to defend
That is Insane.
what is also insane is not enforcing background checks for those
seeking to buy firearms. Felons, minors, the mentally ill, those with
violent records should not be buying firearms. Period.
anyone could argue with that, I don't know.
Are you listening to that, NRA?
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