Showing posts with label poetry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label poetry. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Reflections on a stormy, early spring day along the Jordan River Parkway

OK. I have no idea what this is.

A poem? Prose?

A cawing of a crow in its poor impersonation of a songbird?

Whatever. You tell me.

Here it is, from a stormy early spring afternoon, thoughts written down from my outdoor patio, two dogs at my feet as rain drenched the Jordan River Parkway.


Too Early

Spring is newborn
Rain falls, but winter's breath lingers
Cottonwood bloomed
Too early

Not hail, unconvinced slush
Gray raindrops end on new grass
Days-old white blossoms

A sigh, a silent wet landing
Ivory perfection one breath, then
pedals decapitated, slowly interred
Mud unmarked

But not forgotten
Life, so brief, fragile, beautiful
I saw your advent, your decay