The commercialism and forced yuletide cheer is annoying enough without bombarding us with Saccharin-sweet ditties that were stale and headache-inducing when our grandparents were young, for crying out loud.
How many times, people, can you really listen to Alvin the Chipmunks sing about Hula Hoops and the holidays?
Even before Halloween, the big box stores were stocking the shelves with fake trees, ornaments and all the other Christmas detritus.

Let us progress, as the holiday deities intended, to Thanksgiving and then, if you must, start flocking the pine and/or plastic trees and caroling, or braving the manic aisles of the toy stores, etc.
So, it should be no surprise at all that I am a Facebook fan of Playing Christmas music BEFORE Thanksgiving is ANNOYING!
That's where the awesome cartoons come from.
Finally, a place to give vent to my primordial Scrooge.
Some wisdom from the site:
"Everytime a Christmas Tree is lit before Thanksgiving, a baby reindeer is drowned by an angry elf."