Showing posts with label idiots. Show all posts
Showing posts with label idiots. Show all posts

Friday, February 15, 2013

It's not always complicated . . . or rats in the walls

I wonder if this is a gender thing. 
Our main TV, in the living room, lost its cable feed. The one in my office did not. Hmm. 
So, last night I'm troubleshooting it. Checking the connections, turning gizmos off and on, changing the "source" settings, etc. 
Convinced a rat in the wall must've gnawed through a cable leading to the big screen, ready to call Comcast and/or electrician techs. 
Barb comes out, grabs a remote, selects "03" . . . and fixes it with a muffled, "Mennnnnnn."

Well, it could've been a rat in the wall.

It could.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

A condo complex Christmas: It's over, folks.

OK, unless you are Orthodox Christian, Christmas is over now. 
Stop the sickeningly sweet, let's-avoid-reality-while-we-teeter-on-the-fiscal-cliff "holiday" songs. I swear, if I even see Rudolph still nosing around, I just might put one between his eyes, just above that blasted nose.
Take down the tree and lights. Keeping them up does not extend the holiday. Really. 
Your bosses still expect you to show up, the bills still need to be paid and the calendar moves inexorably toward 2013. 
At least, take down the lights on New Year's Day, people. Yeah, that includes you, Bucko, in the next building over . . . yeah, Mr. I'll-Keep-My-Lights-Up-through-Independence-Day, I'm talking to you. 
Oh, and letting your pit bull crap on your third-floor patio does not qualify as "letting the dog out." And kicking Fido's leavings off the patio is not "picking up after your pet," as the HOA requires.
Guess what you are going to find at your door, inside a flaming Christmas stocking? Hint: a lump, but not of coal.
Bah. Humbug.