So, the election is over.
Thank God. And I mean that, in every conceivable sense of the word.
Think about it. A liberal, Democrat in the White House with a failed first term in so many respects -- and much of that failure due to a Republican House and a Senate where
"blue dog" Democrats often defected to negate their party's narrow majority.
But also, much of that failure was due to the inexperience and lack of leadership from a man, however eloquent, whose previous national governmental service consisted of one, incomplete Senate term.
That he would win a second term, after four years of economic recession and high unemployment, indeed seems the essence of an
"Audacity of Hope," as one of his books was titled.
Few gave Barack Obama a chance for re-election.
If only the Republicans could come up with someone passably acceptable . . .
Instead, the GOP primaries proved to be a parade of clowns. Much of that nomination campaign consisted of a shifting anyone-but-Romney string of failed alliances. We had a cowboy clown from Texas who shot himself in his political foot, repeatedly, with his lack of understanding and fatal malaise. A fast food king who sounded good, but faded under scrutiny or anything deep in inquiry, a bigoted idiotessa who made Sarah Palin look like a Rhodes Scholar.
And, that Mormon guy who ran the 2002 Winter Games.
Try as he might -- and he certainly did, flip-flopping on social, cultural and economic issues in a naked, ultimately failed bid to win the Right -- Mitt Romney just never quite convinced Republicans, some of whom just months ago were lamenting the triggering of the Apocalypse should a Mormon win the White House.
I became a bored observer myself, once moderate
Jon Huntsman -- also a Mormon, by the way -- failed to excite support with his thoughtful, common sense approach to the issues. His half-hearted endorsement of Mitt later on mirrored the lack of enthusiasm Romney would gather.
And so, here we are. And the heck of it is that probably little will change in the next four years.
If, considering the Dems held BOTH House and Senate, along with the White House for the first two years of Obama's first term and still did nothing beyond a watered-down health care program thanks to the self-serving antics of Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi . . . then how can we expect anything better with Washington doomed to partisan bickering for another two years at least?
Faith, my friends, should not be placed in the soaring oratory of our likeable, but ineffective President, nor any politician or party.
Faith is the realm of God. And we had
better be praying for our nation, now more than ever.