I recently was reminiscing with a colleague about stupid reporter tricks.
I've committed . . . a few.
I recalled that, some 35 years ago at a
Spokane, Wash., alternative newspaper, I stuffed match heads into the
cigarettes of my managing editor while he was at lunch.
He returned, and I could hear his Zippo click open. He must have gotten two, maybe three puffs before the flare. (That is not him below, by the way. But it illustrates the tale, albeit it bit exaggerated.)
I still recall the
shrieks of obscenities that blew forth from his office, followed a
ragged breath or two later by an angry, "Mims! Get in here!"
Not only
were the still glowing shreds of tobacco just beginning to halt their
rain onto his desktop, but he claimed the flare had singed his moustache
and eyebrows.
Good thing that he was my friend. Remarkably, he still is.
Also, good thing my current editor at the Salt Lake Tribune doesn't smoke.
Hey, I may be 60 now,
but that impish 20-something guy is still sloshing around inside and
occasionally rears his horned head.
After all, years after the Exploding Cig Incident, I left a
phone message note for my boss at Associated Press with a number that answered with a
recorded come on for a dating service.
It began, "Hey, big boy . . ."
I kid you not.
Said editor was both irritated and amused, I think, in equal measure.
He was less reticent about his orders to never do that again.
AP also brought out the beat/worst of my competitive nature. Misdirecting rival UPI reporters, unscrewing mouthpieces of pay telephones after racing to one to dictate breaking news, ducking under police barricades to get close to mudslides and semi truck explosions . . . and being chased by a bull during one of the latter incidents as I crossed a pasture, after climbing through a dry canal under a blocked off freeway.
I may grow up, some day.
Probably, when I'm dead.