Showing posts with label Salt Lake Tribune. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Salt Lake Tribune. Show all posts

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Tribune layoffs, a year later: You never finish a book, if you keep trying to read the last chapter

Somewhere between May 14, 2018, and the one-year anniversary (this past Tuesday) of the mass layoffs that ended my 20-year career at The Salt Lake Tribune . . . I moved on.

I didn't realize it, in a concrete way, until Saturday. A former editor, and more than that, a friend, called to ask me to freelance articles for him on religious topics -- the beat I had when the layoffs a year ago forced me to take an earlier-than-expected retirement.

He also asked if I could fill in for a colleague on the same beat during her month-long vacation.

I was taken aback. Then, I felt somehow validated, that my decades of contributions actually still had value, that perhaps it all wasn't just a case of being deemed expendable along with so many others when the financial crap hit the bottom line fan, as it were.

Out of appreciation, and friendship for the good man offering, I almost said "yes." Then, deep down, a voice echoed: "No. Too late. There's no going back."

Oh sure, I could write again for the Tribune, see my byline once again on its pages. But what would it do to all the struggle, and the lessons and insights learned, over the past year?

And it took suffering, faith, and resolve to move on emotionally and spiritually through this sea change of career and purpose; to let grace and gratitude replace lingering bitterness, depression and pain with new purpose and perspective.

A lot of grace. A lot of hard work. A lot of receiving love, and then giving it back.

New opportunities to write and edit eventually came, chances to practice and stretch my skills -- and whatever gifts there may be -- in unexplored arenas where I did not feel the pressure to compromise what I held true.

On that latter bit, I'm not saying the Tribune ever forced me to write something I could not ethically or morally abide. But in the secular news setting, progressive world views, and alas, progressive (pretty much only) activism are on the rise generally; The Tribune, being comprised of human beings after all, has not been, and is not immune.

There are many still working there who continue to "fight the good fight," laboring to report and write fairly, and to assign stories across the spectrum. And, there are some who do not, so convinced of the rightness of their personal cause or cultural/political convictions that they blur the lines -- intentionally or subconsciously -- between reporting and opinion.

In this, the Tribune is hardly alone. Indeed, observing the industry over more than four decades of involvement in settings international, national and local, across a wide swath of beats, I'd say this is a universal and disheartening phenomenon.

So, back to the point. (There is one). I realized -- for reasons personal mostly, and professional to an extent, too -- I have moved on. Attempting to go back, for me, would be tugging at the thread of a new, personal tapestry crafted of too much pain and growth and eventually, joy.

I can't see how I could, now, revisit what was lost . . . Without dishonoring what was gained.

And so, with much affection and gratitude for the offer, I politely declined it.

You never finish a book, if you keep trying to read the previous chapter.

Friday, May 25, 2018

Babylon Bee: For my last story in The Salt Lake Tribune, an invitation: Christians, laugh at yourselves!

Nearly two weeks since the Tribune's "right-sizing" left 34 people (including me) unemployed, my last story -- one of three in the can when my 20-year stint at the newspaper ended -- ran today.

I've have always liked the Babylon Bee website ( for its hilarious, often biting satire aimed as Christian idiosyncrasies and self-righteousness. These off-the-hook "fake news" items make you laugh, and think.

Thinking is a good thing, especially for those of us who believe we have a special connection to the Creator.

So, here it is, my Tribune farewell article about the Babylon Bee and its new book, "How to be a Perfect Christian."

Just click on the headline below:
Thus saith the satirical Babylon Bee to Christians: Laugh at yourselves, for heaven’s sake

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Tribune layoffs aftermath: the reeling stops, clarity settles in

Midweek of the Salt Lake Tribune layoffs aftermath. The reeling has stopped, and clarity of purpose, at least short-term, has replaced it.
Been a whirlwind of activity since Monday, arranging finances, medical insurance for both myself and Barbara, networking for possible freelance writing/editing gigs, and doing our own "right-sizing" on the domestic budget.
When you are forced to get down to it, it's surprising how many of those previously "automatic" expenditures you don't need to make, and to actually start better monitoring spending, groceries, travel, etc. Whole new world, and I have found, not entirely a scary one out there.
Still have several stories in the can the Trib likely will run over the next week or so (kinda like being a ghost, lurking around, looking for the light). I believe they will be some of my better work, so a bittersweet, but nice way to go.
And, I haven't been alone in this. My sweet wife has been brilliant, and encouraging; my kids, even the grandkids, supportive; fellow members of the "Trib 34" (aka,
#tribrightsizedmetoo) and those editors and colleagues still rattling around in the newsroom at 90 W. 400 S., sharing practical and emotional support; and my brothers and sisters in faith.

Thirty-four layoffs at The Salt Lake Tribune; me, too

Monday was a sad day. So many veteran journalists, and not a few young, gifted ones, laid off today at the Tribune. 

Me, too. 

Twenty years, during which I was given the opportunity to report and write on a whole lot of beats, and meet fascinating people and tell their stories. Is there anything better? 

So, with some tears, there also is a lot of gratitude.

The notice came by email, a quick, clean cut. I know some of my colleagues resent the impersonal nature of this -- I do not. None of this was judgment of us, or our abilities; it was a matter of a drastic downsizing, pending reorganization of news operations and audience. 

Utah needs the Tribune. My colleagues at the Deseret News, tied to the Trib through the JOA, also need the Tribune. 

So, sure, emotion cannot be rationalized away; one feels as one feels about loss of income, purpose and self-identity. 

But at least, I go out with the journalistic equivalent of the old Spartan admonition of returning with your shield, or on it. I've done some of my best work this year, and a couple examples (I hope) will run in the coming days as a sort of bookend to my Trib career. 

What is ahead, I don't know. But I have faith that whatever that is for Barbara and me, we will not be alone.

After all, saying you believe God is with you in good times is easy; knowing He is in tough times? That's where, hopefully, we "comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height" of His Love. (Ephesians 3:18)

All the best to those who remain. You are in my prayers, and my heart.